You go, girl! What a creepy piano player!

I went on a three-day cruise to the Bahamas in 1989, too. That's entirely another post I will have to write.

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Girl! My first cruise was in 89. The Cooper City high school class President’s mom arranged a non school sponsored senior cruise. We went to the Bahamas. Like a 3 day cruise. I was told to try the Long Island Ice Tea and my BF at the time ordered the “Blue One” which I think was some kind of frozen piña colada with blue Caracas and possibly had a fancier name. We had the best time. I remember on the way back, the seas were rough and the ship was rocking which made everyone on the dance floor look as if they could be line dancing from one side of the floor to the other and back. Thankfully, nothing bad happened to any of us. Even when the piano player got very handsy with me and tried to get me back to his room. He thought I was drunk. And I was but I’ve never been a stupid drunk that I would have given up my virginity to an average looking musician with a bad accent.

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Love the pic

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